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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Elder Bean's Email: Week 12

Well it is really hard to remember what week i am on, its all a big blur.

I was thinking it might be good to answer a bunch of questions since its been a while since ive answered things.  So it might be all over the place haha

Yes we do set our clocks back

On mondays or times when we speak english, i dont really look forward to it, its actually really hard to speak english sometimes and i forget words or phrases because i dont really use it too much.  Its kind of a habit now to speak spanish and its even hard to speak english with the other güeros(a name for the north americans).

I can use regular US stamps to send letters back to people there.  Also the best address to send things to is the mission home address, the one that I sent to you guys.  Its the safest way because the numbers on the street there are actually correct.  Its not very hard to find a big white building in a city here that has all these other nice buildings around it.  They also print off dear Elders in the office and send them out too, so thats a good way to get letters to me if you dont have time to write it or money to send it.  

Elder Saavedra is from Cuarnavaca which is about 1-2hrs away from here and also this cycle is only 2 weeks more, its 4 weeks instead of 6 for whatever reason so we are not sure whats going to happen.  Also, thank heaven its just us two in the appartment, or I might have a relapse from college with my super dirty roommates hahaha.  

I got keaton´s letter and that was great.  I laughed really hard when he used like a trillion p.s.´s It definitely reminds me of him and makes me miss him and everyone else back home a lot.  But its not distracting.  It really helps me to recieve mail to hear that things are going good or too hear supporting words.

Love you all,

Elder Bean

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