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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

"Greenie Package"

The second package I sent to my Elder was a "greenie" package. Greenie is a term the Missions use for a new missionary who just entered the field! So, like my sunshine package, I went with a green theme! I actually sent this a week or so before he left the MTC because I was able to give him more than if I was going to try to ship it to Mexico. I definitely recommend doing it this way for any missionary going foreign because it's way cheaper, there are no restrictions, and you can add more fun stuff' 
Some of the Green items included in his package were: 
Mint&Dark Dove Chocolates(his fav) 
Sour punch straws
Apple&cinnamon granola bars
Oats&Honey granola bars(great for snacks because they keep you full) 
Mint gum (I used extra)
A green mini spiral notebook
Green ink pens (his favorite to use are the  "Energel" brand. Kind of expensive, but really nice quality)
More Gatorade 
Hand sanitizer 
Candy corn (it's almost Halloween!)
"Greenie" pack of crayons
Fruit snacks
My favorite two thinks I included in this package were 
1. The "Nick stick": it's basically a chap stick type applicator that is used for any areas that got nicked shaving. My missionary has to save daily, and he often cuts himself, especially when he's rushed! It's all natural and soothing, he loves it!
2. I got Carmel apple lollipops and attached scriptures to each one. I split them about evenly between him and his companion and have extra to share. They are a great way to have a inspirational treat now and again! 

I got to use a cool new tool called a Cricut for the light green lettering. It makes dicuts out of regular cardstock or scrapbooking paper! I'm in love with it and hope to get one soon! I wrote "they may call you a greenie, but you me you'll always be golden!" In the top and bottom flaps. On the left side, I included a poem that reads: 
"You may be young
you may be new,
But you're ready to show
What you can do.

Countless experiences 
are just around the bend
The shepherds sheep 
You are called to tend.

So enjoy this package,
Every last treat-
Now get excited
You have lost souls to meet!" 

This is the finished look! It all packed in nicely, and again I attached little quotes/scriptures to each item to make it more fun! Feel free to copy and and all ideas you want! 

1 comment :

  1. Such a cute idea. Do you still have the scripture references?
