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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Elder Bean's Email: Week 13

Dear friends, family, loved ones, 

Well week 15 was another tough week but we finished it.  Hermana Diana has a baptismal date for Dec 8th and we have been preparing her for that day, she just had her interview the other day and all is well :)  Also the other Elders in our area Elder Aquino and Elder Vargas have a baptismal date for Hna Mayra and her daughter Mayra JR.  Its also for Dec 8th and we helped teach them before Elder Aquino and Vargas got here in the area.  We are slowly progressing, work is difficult as the Area Binder is really out of date and more than half the list of members are in active or live somewhere else, I dont know how many times ive heard that people have moved to the United States haha.  But Hna Diana is awesome, shes really nice and really wants to change because of conviction.  Also she is super good at drawing and gave me two of her drawings that I liked most, Ill send pictures after im done typing.  Sorry that the pictures arent attached to the email, its really hard to send pictures since we can only send like 3 at a time on an empty email.  We are trying to find new investigators and its really hard.  We had one reference that ended up being someone from a different church that wanted to bible bash with us.  I dont really like bible bashing, but I do like to figure out what thigns are hard for people to believe or understand so then I can study them more to help others really understand.  But I know that the Church we belong to is the Church of Jesus Christ.  We are so blessed to know that and to know all the things we do.  We have really helped a lot of people here and we are continuing to work hard and trying to help more people.

Elder Saavedra is an awesome companion.  He is really sick right now which makes me sad but he has really taught me so much and really tells me that I need to be a way better missionary than him.  He is awesome and we get a long super well, we are always cracking jokes together and things like that.  But its awesome because we have tons of fun, but we are still really obedient to the things we need to be doing, and he really helps me to understand my purpose of being here and what im supposed to be doing.  A funny story, the other night we were going to Hna Diana´s house to teach a lesson.  There are ice cream trucks here too, but the music they play is really really creepy.  Like honestly its music you would hear before something bad happens in a scary movie.  Elder Saavedra HATES clowns, and honestly, I agree with him. (Sidenote, thank you mom and dad for never bringing a clown to my birthday parties) but the music is super scary.  So we are walking when its night time and dark, and we hear this music, so I turn to him and say The clown is coming..... and we start to walk faster until we get to the door of hna diana´s house, we press the doorbell and the music is getting louder, then Elder Saavedra turns to me and says in English, "No, no! Leave me alone McDonalds!" haha it was one of the funniest things Ive ever heard in my entire life. It was perfect and Im never going to forget it.  I have sent some letters home and to other people, let me know please if letters arive, just so then I can feel safe/happy that they actually got there.

Also, I am being safe! Although, I have come to the conclusion that I think that the sidewalks are more dangerous than the people.  I have almost broken my ankles/feet/legs a million times on the sidewalks since they are all over the place and up and down and everything, also they are littered with dog poop which sometimes im not sure if its dog or bear because well yeah i think you get the point haha.

I forgot to write down in my planner what i needed to write more about this week.  Normally I do that to help me write all that I need to.  I cant remember much more but Ill try to remember more/write more details next week.  Ill send some pictures right now too! :)

Love you all tons!

Elder Bean
Displaying IMG_0104.JPG
A picture of how the Missionaries of Mexico eat on a daily bases-Elder Bean


  1. Megan, I just had to comment again because my son Elder Adam Treu had a nice side shoulder bag from Mr. Macs that was killing his shoulder and neck too. I'd love to find out what your future mother-in-law (hint hint) is going to do if she bought the same one! It was seriously $80 or $100 and it sounds like your missionary was having troubles too. Thanks! I am so glad I found your blog. My son doesn't write too much, so this really has helped!!

    1. Hi Jody! I couldn't find you on facebook so here is the link to mine: https://www.facebook.com/megan.king.7
      Elder Bean ended up just buying himself a new backpack down in mexico because he absolutely hated the "satchel" as he called his shoulder bag haha! Is your son also in Mexico City East, if so I'm sure they know each other!

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