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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Elder Bean's Email: Week 11

Well once again I dont have a lot of time.  We had to go to the temple today to get injections, I think for flu virus but im not really sure haha. But yeah I dont have much time at all to write as we have an appointment right at 6pm.  i think ive lost moore weight as i am now using the last tab on one belt and the second to last on the other and my pants are pretty big around the waist but dont worry Im eating a ton, the members literally stuff you like a turkey and they dont care if you just ate 20min ago they´ll serve you three platters of food haha.
Im not sure if ive told you about our new investigator Hermana Diana, she is awesome.  She has had some problems, including an addiction to smoking cigarettes, but she has been doing really well and has been changing her life.  She truly wants to make changes in her life but she always tells us changes by conviction, because she truly actually wants to change not just because we dont smoke or drink or things like that.  Which is awesome because its really about a true change of heart to lead to a true conversion.  She has a baptismal date for the 2nd sunday in december so thats awesome!
Tracting is hard, my shoes are great, but it doesnt matter when you walk 15 or more miles a day, literally my feet feel like they are just bones and my legs kill too, its so hard when we cant find anyone all day long and there have been plenty of days where we walk the entire area looking for more people, less actives, or other members and its so hard.  Its also hard because the new missionaries arrived this last week in the industrial 2 area so our ward is now split in half. We had to leave almost all of our investigators and other members to them because we had really only found a lot of people on their side so thats been hard to do.  But we are working hard and always have full planned schedules.  But even when we have back up plans we bring the ward lists with us because almost all the time back up plans fall through too and we cant find anyone.
Yesterday we kinda got shut down by a member who we asked if we could visit.  He basically said noo because he felt like he was active, didnt really need help and that there were better people that we needed to find to talk to and work with.  Which is okay, but we work with active members too, thats the whole point, to get to know active members so that we can have them at lessons and find more investigators.
A funny story for you guys.  There is a borracho or drunk in english, that romes the streets in our area and whenever we see him me and Elder Saavedra joke because Elder Saavedra says, "Oh su befo otra vez" like oh your Best Friend again, because everytime he sees me he says things like "bien venidos a mexico norte americano!" "Dios Bendiga" "Como es mexico para tu" or things like that, always talks to me just because im white so its funny because whenever he sees me he says funny stuff to me.
Another thing, this cycle is only four weeks long and Elder Saavedra and I feel like he will get changed to a different area which is sad because we get a long well.  He is such a great person.  Sometimes he really worries about his future and wants to learn english and its so hard for me to see him struggle sometimes because he deserves the best.

Well this is all I have time for this week,  Im sorry, Ill have more time next week hopefully but im doing well and staying safe and healthy!
Love everyone tons!
Elder Bean

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