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Thursday, October 10, 2013

An Early Morning Surprise

"And in which shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that that quickeneth your understandings." D&C 88:11

 I was walking to class early in the morning after parking at institute and was an extremely foggy and brisk start to the day (winter is going to come early this year, and be a cold one!). I was bundled up in three jackets, a scarf, and tall socks underneath my beige boots. I was chilled to the bone and quickly making my way toward my class on the other side of campus to get out of the cold. As I turned the corner toward the small forest/graveyard I had to walk through on my trek to biology, I was blinded by the rays of run trying to fight their way through the foggy air. When my eyes adjusted moments later, I saw the most breathtaking view. Rays of sun were beaming down through each gap in tree branches, where they lingered- holding on to the moisture in the air before settling in a pool of light on the ground below. 

     I immediately pictured Joseph Smith kneeling beneath the center most ray. I held my breath as I dug out my phone that was buried deep inside the pocket of my winter coat, as though the image would disappear if I were to exhale. I got a picture but it doesn't even begin to describe or show the true magnitude of the magnificent spectacle in front of me. It was still dark in the early morning and as I walked toward the light-all darkness seemed to fade. I did not see anyone else on the path, for I was too focused on these beams piercing through the tree, trying to fill the earth with light. I finally reached my destination, so that I was standing right in front of the beam, the tips of my boots barely touching the gold pool that lay on the dusty ground in front of me. 
I stepped into the light. 
     All the chill left me immediately and instead warmth overtook my heart, soul, and body. I looked down at my hands and turned them over as though they were not real. Then I looked up, drawing my hand up to cover my already squinting eyes from the immense amount of light coming from the sky. 

My incredible morning revelation
      In my mind, I was back hundreds of years to the grove of trees that young Joseph Smith knelt under to pray for answers. At that moment, I felt a small glimpse of what that young prophet must have also felt on that sacred day. I don't know by memory the quote about Joseph's experience, but I do know the part where it says "a beam of light, directly over his head" -and that quote hit my heart with such force that I knew more than ever, and in this moment I felt with more sureity than ever that Joseph Smith IS the true prophet and that he received revelation and important duties (commandments) from our Heavenly Father. I know this because standing in that beam of light; I felt love like none other, pure joy, fullness, and a feeling of wanted to share my experience. 

It reminded me of a scripture I had read just the day before. D&C 88:6-13
 specifically verse 13 which reads:
"the light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God who sitteth upon his throne, who is in the bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things." 
I know this church is true, and although sometimes I am temped to doubt myself, I learn more about the Gospel and about myself every single day. Something Dieter Uchdorf said in his talk this past weekend was "Doubt your doubt, before you doubt your faith". This also hit my heart deeply and I know I have made a convenient, and one that I intend to keep and grow, so that I can one day I may enjoy a very strong testimony. My favorite part of the scripture I mentioned is the line "who is in the bosom of eternity". To me, this literally means, "[He] who is already living eternal life". I love the atonement for that reason, that we are able to be together forever. and I know that's true, and that you and I will have that so long as we keep doubting our doubts, and not doubting our faith.

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