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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sunshine Package!!

I wanted the first package I was going to send to my Elder be awesome, so I went with a theme. I chose the "sunshine" package theme because he is might light, always making me laugh or smile. Basically he just brightens my day whenever I see him, so I wanted to return the favor! I started out with some simple scrapbooking paper (in yellow) and a flat rate shipping box (since it was going in state to the MTC and I didn't have to worry about weight!). I used a large, which is about $16.75 to ship. 
I used some fun paper on the sides to brighten it up! I wrote a letter to him on a piece of paper BEFORE taping it into the box and made it the bottom layer. I wrote "You are my SUNSHININE, my only sunshine, you make me HAPPY when skies are GREY!"

 I bought a ton of yellow items for the package, which mostly consisted of food. I attached cute little quotes and/or scriptures having to do with light on each item and made sure it was as exciting as can be!
 Some of the things I included where: 
Yellow Oreos
a small yellow journal 
yellow "sunshine" crayons 
Swedish fish
Wet ones
Gold Coins
a yellow wooden airplane (x2 for him and his companion)
Charleston Chew
Juicy Fruit gum
...and more! 
Sometimes you have to get creative. He loves grape Gatorade, and it just doesn't make sense to make the stuff fit the package, you need to make the package fit the treats! 

 We had an inside joke about Despicable Me, he would always call me a little minion and he would do the "be doo bee doo be doo" sound to annoy me, so it only seemed appropriate to include that! 

 I just threw a little card in there and come fun yellow present package stuff to make it more fun! The picture on the right is how it looked when he opened it. HINT: if you pack it tight enough nothing shifts in transport;)

Here is the finished product! On the far left you can see a little bag of treats for Elder Smith, I always add a small treat bag for his companion at the time. I know he shares with everyone, but I can't imagine how hard it would be to see someone get a package, no matter what it is, and not get anything that day. So I always make it special with separate scriptures and/or messages. Just a little "thinking of you" for being an awesome companion! I hope this gave inspiration to anyone who was/is thinking of making a care package. My ideas are your ideas! :)

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