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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

An Eternal Perspective

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love" 1 John 4:18

Portland, OR Temple
My favorite is when it is lit up at night!
For some time now, I've really been contemplating my purpose in life here on the earth. Until recently, I was unaware one even needed purpose. However, as we grow and become adults, finding a purpose in life is very important. As all good questions should be answered, I turned to my God and scriptures for help (as well as a few teachers from my church) and came across a scripture in the Book of Moses. It reads: "For behold, this is my work and my glory- to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." Moses 1:39. Wow. All the answers to my questions were sitting in a small sentence, hidden deep in a sea of scriptures, waiting for me to seek them out. 

Eternal life. The blessing itself is almost too amazing for me to comprehend. Heavenly Father has made a plan for each of us, all together, and all separately. Ultimately to test us, to see if we can find our way back to him. Being a missionary girlfriend, eternity is a big deal. During hard times, tests of faith, and trials, it becomes easy to forget about the blessings that are yet to come. This is why my Missionary, Elder Bean, and I like to focus a lot of our conversations on eternity. We are not in this to give up, we're in this to make it through. We know, on the other side of this test of our relationship, that our eternity together awaits...and it starts with individually loving our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Eternity is not a right of man, but a privilege we receive, and it does not come freely. To be bound to each other, and be with our savior one day, we must do as he asks. Yes, that means following the commandments, praying at least daily, going to church, living moral lives, being charitable, and so much more. This precious gift must be earned, and thus it is obtained. 

Having an eternal perspective, especially for me (but it could really relate to any situation), is a motivating force that keeps us all moving. In this Gospel we know that families can be together forever, that husband and wife can be sealed for time and all eternity, and that our children can then be sealed to us as a family, and so on and so fourth. It is hard to be away from the person you love for two years, as many of you know and have experienced. However, knowing that by getting through this phase you will obtain this great blessing makes it all worth it. In first Nephi he testifies that the Lord will not present us with anything we cannot overcome. "...the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them" 3:7. My Elder and I tell each other this often, especially when we can sense the other beginning to struggle. Yet just recently did I discover this scripture proving it so, and thus it is. 

Sometimes I worry about what my future will hold. I worry that I will not be a good enough teacher and example to my children, that they may not learn as much from me as they deserve. I worry about illness and death, and I worry about the world. Today, I received a letter from the one and only with many scriptures about eternity and family matters. This scripture in particular made me swell with emotion; of comfort and love. In Genesis 50:7-16 the Lord says; "Now therefore fear ye not: I will nourish you, and your little ones. And he comforted them, and spake kindly unto them." 

Everything comes back to our goal: the temple. The Portland, Oregon Temple has always been special to me. When I was a little girl, I would sit in my mom's office at work, which was just across the freeway, and stare at its beauty. I didn't know what it was at the time, but I would lay underneath her desk and peering through a 10 story window at this magnificent building, always wishing I could someday go inside. Little did I know what I know now, that I can reach that goal I set as a little girl staring at a big, white castle as long as I do as my Father in Heaven asks of me. This House of the Lord is where we are able to become sealed to each other for time and all eternity, and it is our Father's house that we must have worked to be clean and pure for him, and for his blessing. 
Our Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us, and knows our needs individually. However, he lets us struggle to gain the lesson that we were sent here to learn. Upon my baptism, my Elder's grandparents got me a little plaque that I still set by my bedside today. 

"Without faith, nothing is possible. But with it, everything is possible." 

As we rely and lean on our Savior and brother Jesus Christ in times of need, he will guide us to be more like him. I strongly believe that to be part of an eternal family, you yourself need to be worthy of it. For that reason, I'm grateful and thank God that I have these two years away from Tanner, so that I can learn to be humble and a worthy daughter of God. I thank Him for this opportunity to grow and struggle, so in the end it will all be worth it. Still though, I have and probably will always feel a sadness and longing for my other half. However, keeping eternity in my sights, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

I love you all, especially the MGs! Stay strong and never forget your ultimate goal, the temple:) 

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