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Friday, December 27, 2013

Week 18: Elder Bean's Weekly Email

Elder Saavedra and I are still getting a long great! He is an awesome companion and a great friend I will never forget.  Obviously we have had some tense moments but I have really learned to just talk things out.  I dont feel like ive ever really been an angry person or someone that has problems with a lot of people but Ive really learned how to just communicate with people.  We still make jokes a lot and its a ton of fun.  Its great to help him learn more English and I really feel like its my duty to help him learn more, I just wish I could be a better teacher because he has helped me learn so much Spanish and helps me to understand so many words.  Im not sure if I told you last week but this cycle is 7 weeks long, so that means Ill be with him for another 6 weeks from this date and possibly more which is awesome because he is a great companion!

We arent all fun and games obviously.  We have been called to serve the people here in this area and we are working hard to find as many people we can.  Its so amazing to help so many people and obviously its hard when we get rejected or yelled at but its so worth it when someone actually wants to change their life and is really prepared to hear the Gospel.  Recently we have started teaching Alberto, he is a great person and super super nice.  He talks to us a lot and is really fun to teach.  He has a lot of doubts and questions but thats good, its so much better when the people have questions so that we can help them so much more.  He has a baptismal date for Jan 19th but that might be changed if he goes on vacation.  Its so awesome to find people like him or Hna Diana who are just great people.  They are super nice and easy to get a long with and they really have a desire to know for themselves not just because someone tells them this or that.  Hna Diana is a great person too and is really strengthening her testimony and studying so much!  She asks us for so many books or different things to study or read because she loves to learn new things and really loves learning about the Gospel.
The language is coming a long great.  I have learned so much and I understand so much more.  I can really understand most of the people.  But I still have plenty to learn and improve on.  Its super hard for me to understand when there are tons of people talking all at once or we are in the metro(subway) or other place really loud.  But I know I have been super blessed and have learned really fast thanks to a lot of prayer and help from my companion.  Im so happy and excited to learn more spanish because I seriously want to speak it so fluently.  Its super fun to learn and obviously super hard too but its a great opportunity I have to learn more and im trying my best to keep learning more and more and studying more too.  Plus, Elder Saavedra and some other Elders have told me I speak Chilengo(I think thats how you spell it) but it basically means I have an accent and I sound like im more from Mexico than from the US which is awesome! :))
Elder Clason sent us an email that said he is working with his Stake President and doctors to be able to return to the mission field which is so awesome!  But Elder Clason´s companion was Elder Suazo as I said in my last email.  He is from Chile and only has about 5 weeks into his training, and he is now training Elder Shillig, a Güero from California.  (Güero is just a nickname for white people)  Elder Shillig also only has 5 weeks into his training because he was waiting his visa in utah so its pretty crazy!  But both of them really want to be good Elders and are working super hard.  Elder Shillig is having a little trouble with the Spanish since he hardly spoke it in Utah and since Elder Suazo is from Chile, he speaks different and super fast.  Sometimes so different and so fast that even the other Lation Elders cant understand him which I find a little funny haha.  But yeah its hard for Elder Shillig but he is really studying super hard and since my companion is District Leader, I have the opportunity to see the other Elders a lot and Im trying super hard to help Elder Shillig out with the language when I see him.
But I love you all a ton!
And im still being safe!

Elder Bean

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