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Saturday, September 28, 2013

My {real life} Conversion Story

We all can find happiness, if we simply accept God's love into our hearts. 

I was first introduced to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints by my wonderful boyfriend, Tanner. We began dating near the end of our senior year of high school, and going into it, we both knew college was fast approaching and we were not too serious. However, as we spent more time together, it was clear that our relationship would go beyond a summer romance. We continued to date throughout our first year at college, with him at BYU-Provo and me at University of Oregon. I got asked almost daily what it was like to date a "Mormon boy" and I never knew how to answer their questions, because to me Tanner was never just that Mormon boy. In fact, I never saw him in that way, and I had no knowledge whatsoever of what a Mormon really was. He invited me to church with him, but I was simply scared of the unknown. 

In February of this year, I surprised Tanner by visiting him at BYU! While I was there, I attended church for the first time. It was scary at first, but we only attended half of class and sacrament, so I was glad I didn't have to be on my own. I liked church, just as I have at other churches, but after my visit, I didn't really make an attempt to go in my own town. It wasn't until a month or so later that I saw my friend who was also a member while I was shopping at the mall and got to talking with her; the conversation ended with me asking to go to church with her. The first time I went, I loved it! I was more relaxed (probably because I didn't have to impress Tanner!) and I felt comforted there. It was that day I met the Sister Missionaries and hesitantly agreed to meet with them the following week. 

My first lesson was very emotional for me, mostly because I thought they expected me to know a lot more than I did. I had a hard time answering their questions, even though I knew they were simple. Having the Sister missionaries was such a blessing for me though, because I was able to open up to them as women and have common ground for understanding. After that, I could not wait to meet with the Missionaries! Each lesson I learned more and more about my purpose here on the earth. The more I learned, the more I understood and the more everything fit together. I did not tell Tanner I was taking the lessons because I wanted it to be for me. I wanted this experience to be mine, and I didn't want to join the church because he wanted me to. In fact, Tanner never brought up his faith, unless of course I asked. When the Sisters brought up baptism, I was both excited and nervous. I knew it was the right decision, but at the same time, I was scared of how my life would change and how I might not be supported. However, I chose a date as a goal and asked Tanner to fly home for the weekend to baptize me. 

I "broke" the news to my family on my birthday (clever right, they can't be mad on my birthday!) March 21st. I told them I was going to be baptized on April 20th, in one month. To my surprise, they were all supportive of my decision. My parents told me it was my life and to do whatever I thought was right, and my sisters were excited and couldn't wait to tell their friends that I was going to be a Mormon! haha. As my baptism date approached, I was fighting hard with the adversary to keep my decision to be baptized. Throughout my life, I had gone to many christian churches with close friends, and almost got baptized there multiple times. For whatever reason, I wasn't able to commit and I know now that it was because I was missing the fullness of the Gospel.  I thank my Heavenly Father for guiding me away from those commitments, and leading me to this one.

It seemed like time flew and before I knew it, it was the day of my baptism. I had many people attend my baptism including; my family and cousins (yay!), Tanner's immediate family and both his grandparents, as well as a large portion of my singles ward. Of course I didn't know them at the time, but people were coming up to me left and right introducing themselves as part of the ward. The room was filled but I couldn't see any of it. My mind, heart, and soul were occupied by the spirit. As Tanner spoke and lowered me into the water, warmth surrounded my every pore and I knew I had made the right decision. 
My most precious memory
Tanner and I
My amazing Sisters!
It has been just over five months since I became an official member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints. Some things were more difficult for me to give up (like my coffee addiction) but I know that I am more pure and healthy both spiritually and physically now. I am still 'investigating' to this day, and I hope to always be an investigator of God's plan of salvation and the atoning sacrifices of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I am hopeful I can teach those around me of the knowledge I know to be true, and that others will want to come unto Christ as well. I want to leave my testimony that I know this is the true church, that it was restored on the earth today by the prophet Joseph Smith. I know that missionary work is a wonderful thing, that it is God's work to help our brothers and sisters. I know that we can have eternal life if we follow God's plan, and that we can have forever families through this Gospel. I am so grateful for my new life, the new decisions that I make, and I have seen a huge change in my overall happiness and my life is simply better now. I share and say these things in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. 

A Tribute to my Family

Jessie, Megan, Catharine, and Stephanie

The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

I thought it only appropriate to start off my blogging experience by talking a little bit about myself. I was thinking about this and I was wondering 'what makes me, me' and it all boils down to the wonderful influences of the women in my family. Being a strong and independent woman is something I've always been taught. My parents have always told me that I have the ability to do whatever I want, but that it's up to me to be the woman I want to portray. We all have role models, someone we look up to and admire. Like many girls before me, my mom has and always will be my best friend. Growing up, she was the hardworking and determined woman I wanted to see myself become. She is the most selfless person I know, giving everything she has worked for to her three children. Just the other day, my mom texted me "I just put $50 into your bank account". While I frantically texted her back, scared I had overdrawn my account by accident, she informed me I hadn't overdrawn. The $50 was because she thought I might need gas for my car. She never fails to be simply...awesome. 
A while ago, my mom told me about her mom, and how they were best friends. At the time, I didn't understand what she meant. How could one be both a mother and best friend? Didn't she have a best friend her own age? Now, as I'm almost out of my teens, I understand what she means. At one point in our lives, our mothers stop being our disciplinarians, our support, and our shelter. At some point we grow up, leave the nest, as many would say. At some point our mothers become equals to us, like sisters in a way. While she still helps me financially and helps me make important decisions, I'm so happy to say my mom is more than just a mom, she's my best friend. 

My twinzies, my sisters, my double trouble, my love bugs, my babies, my 'tefanie, my J, my girls. I love my sisters more than anything in the world. I can't get enough of the laughter that comes from being with these crazy girls. Growing up together, our house was always LOUD. No boys, yet just as much wild. We constantly got in trouble for laughing, fighting, screaming, running, wrestling, and so much more. Of course we fight, a lot...what good sisters don't? But better than all that is the love we have for each other. Seriously, we're always laughing... 
Our sister photoshoot turned out with some great shots!
The twins at the Oregon coast!
Watching these two grow up has been such an incredible experience. When they were first born, I immediately wanted to take care of them and be 'mom' to them even though I wasn't even 2 years old. Throughout elementary school they were little troublemakers, always fighting over which side of the room they had to clean. Although it was hard sometimes, these two taught me more than anyone else. They have two completely separate personalities that have taught me a broad spectrum of lessons. Stephanie is the stubborn one. She can fight with anyone about anything in any situation. She is my little firecracker that always steps up to share her opinion, but, like my mom, she's a giver. She taught me to work will difficult people (sorry steph!) and how to be a good influence to someone who doesn't want any one's help. However, at the drop of a hat she will defend the people she loves, cook you a dank dinner, and help the needy. Her spirit is deep down, you just have to fight your way into her heart. Jessica is the quiet one, and by quiet I don't mean literally. Her high pitched squeal can be heard from miles away! She's the sensitive one. She doesn't speak her mind unless directly asked. She's a sweetheart, with such a tender and loving spirit. She's the one who will cry at the end of any movie when an animal dies. She rarely fights, and if she does it's quiet and sneaky. She has taught me so much about being open and accepting to others. 

My mom and sisters have taught me so much about myself. They have helped me mold into the person I've always wanted to be, and helped me grown to the best of my ability. Of course, I still have much to learn, but I know that we will help each other succeed, and we will be the perfect examples for our next generations to come:)